Friday, June 29, 2007

Perspective and back to where I belong....

I overheard my husband tell someone the other day, "I am ready for Bella to come home so that I can get my wife back." Those words have been ringing in my head ever since. I am so thankful for all you that read my blog, are concerned about Bella's adoption, and have prayed and encouraged me this far. Your words mean so much to me and my family.

I have been praying for the past couple of days about what God is doing and if He is requiring anything from me that I have not discovered yet. I think it was confirmed to me today. I am going to take a break from blogging and blogland. I have allowed myself to become obsessed with it along with checking my e-mail millions of times a day. (seriously, my send and receive button should be broken!) I have allowed this adoption to define me. It is not who I am. I am a daughter of my heavenly Father. He has a special plan for my life and the adoption of Bella into our family was His idea and part of His infinite plan for my life (as His daughter). He loves Bella more than I can fathom and He loves me that much, as well. With that said, things may look bleak for us in bringing her home any time soon; however, some of His greatest miracles happened at times that seemed like the end. (Lazarus being raised from the dead-- can't much more toward the end than that!)

Please continue to pray for us and her homecoming. Please continue to check here and watch for our miraculous news so you can rejoice with us. But for now, I am going to give my husband back his wife sooner, rather that later and rededicate myself to the Lord, to Jeff and to Jake. Later....


Bekah said...

I'm proud of you girl. Your husband does need his wife and these adoptions should not consume and define us. I will continue to pray for your miracle and sweet Bella and know that you are loved and admired.

Tricia said...

We have ALL BEEN THERE! I completely understand. You will remain in my thoughts & prayers. You are loved!

Karen D. said...

I will miss you and I do understand! The adoption is all consuming! Please know that I am praying for you and your family and for your miracle!

Love and prayers,

Emily said...

I will miss reading your blog, but I completely understand the need to step back and I admire you for doing it. You will get your miracle, but in the meantime you need to enjoy your life, your family, and your relationship with God. Thank you for the nice comment you left on my blog today. It means so much to be surrounded by people who know exactly how I am feeling.

Krystal said...

I will be praying! Praying for your adoption AND praying for you to find the peace that you need. You really are an inspiration and the love of God shines through your writing.

Melissa said...

I'll be praying for you and your family as you reprioritize your life. I do understand how all-consuming this adoption process can be. Bella will come home at the appointed time.

Jami said...

I understand're a great wife and mom! Thanks for your example to me! I love you and will be praying. We'll talk soon! :)


Rose said...

My husband has said the same things! He says I am addicted to the computer....and I probably am! I have taken a few blogging breaks and it has really helped me. This whole process consumes you. But I feel like when I write it down I don't drive everybody else crazy about it. I feel like I get most of it off my chest by blogging. Happy blog break and when you get back email me so i can invite you to my blog for some more to keep you occupied. LOL I am leaving tomorrow for my visit trip. WOOOOHOOOO! Roseann

Andrea said...

We have all absolutely been there! Take all the time you need, and we'll be praying Bella home all the way! Enjoy your time with the Lord and with your family!!

Mom 4 Kids said...

We are here when you need us. :-)

Jill said...

I will miss reading your thoughts, but you need to rest and enjoy your LIFE! When you are needing the blog back, you will post - and we will be here for you. God Bless,


JuJu - said...

You have no idea the respect and admiration I have for you Amanda.

Your heart for Christ has helpd me recently to get back on track in my walk.

You tell your husbnad that the Lord has used this time and this blog to reach people for Jesus - you have spurred so may of us on in our walk Amanda -

Be encouraged - be of good cheer - count it all joy -
I look forward to rejoicing around the throne with you one day my friend.

We are all gonna get through the mountains and valleys of this life - we have the greatest love ever - the love of our father -

I am so proud of you and so in awe of your faith and your love for your marriage and family.

You are a one of a kind and I want to be more like you....

You are such an inspiration to me...


JuJu - said...

I have to meet you -


Terry said...

We certainly all know what you are going through! Take all the time that you need to refocus,regroup and refresh. My prayers are with everyone that is enduring this process.
