Thursday, August 30, 2007

Sara Michele Needs your prayers

I have a friend that is in the same position that we have been in. Her name is Jennifer and her baby girl is 6 days older than Bella. They are in the same hogar and the judge is holding her certified copies, too. This precious baby needs to come home to her Mommy and Daddy. Tomorrow at 8:30 (Guatemala time), there is an important meeting that is going to take place. Please pray that the Lord moves on the judge's heart and that she would release Sara Michele. God did a miracle for Bella and He can do it for Sara. I look forward to posting her good news tomorrow night!


Kim Capello said...

I'll be praying! We need those babies home.

Whitney said...

It is right at 8:30 Guat time...Lord please allow this little gal to be released from FC. Bring her home to her family and bring her to a saving knowledge of you at the earliest possible age!

Ashley said...

I missed it by a few hours, (It is 12:10) but know I am praying and would love for you to update when you can.

The Frugal Countess said...

I'm praying the judges released her file (*and* her certified copies).