Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Waiting on ORANGE....

We were supposed to be submitted to the Embassy today. I am waiting to find out if that happened. For those of you not familiar with the lingo of Guatemalan adoptions, we are waiting on ORANGE. This refers to DNA authorization for our second DNA test to be done. This is required before our U. S. Embassy will issue us an appointment to get Bella's VISA.

I have not been following this part of the process. For those of you that have gotten ORANGE, could you leave a comment and tell me if you were given the authorization the day you were submitted to the embassy or if it happened after. Thanks!!

I will keep you posted and let you know the minute (or real soon afterward) that we get ORANGE!!! (This is my new favorite color... soon to be PINK!) :)


Emily said...

Here is our 2nd DNA timeline. I think that Orange is issued at the time you are submitted to the USE. I am not sure when exactly we were submitted, but my guess is around the 19th.

Submitted to Embassy 9/19?
DNA taken 9/26
DNA at lab 9/28
DNA complete 10/2
DNA at Embassy 10/3
PINK 10/4
appointment scheduled for 10/17!

We called the USE to get our appoinment date and time. If we hadn't called we probably would have waited until today to find out our appointment date. I am praying things move quickly for you now, you are so close to bringing Bella home where she belongs!

Melissa said...


I'm not quite at the "orange" step yet, but my agency told me that DNA authorization is given as soon as the papers are submitted to the USE. You should have orange very, very soon!


Anonymous said...

Amanda, Hi I love your site. your Bella is a beauty and she needs to be home!! dh and I are waiting for our daughter, waiting to be submitted to the USEmbassy for orange. praying for you and your baby. Ellen

Stacie said...

COME ON ORANGE!!!!!!!!! Think pumpkins!!!!!!! haha.

Waiting and Watching with ya!

Steve & Amy said...

HURRAY!!! So glad to hear that things are moving!!Praying that you are a rainbow of colors this next week!!!!

Jami said...


Ginger--Maya's mommy said...

Come on orange, we like PINK!!!

keelstar said...

Congratulations Amanda!!! I am so happy for you guys that Bella is finally coming home! I hope the rest of your process is smooth sailing...you definitely deserve it after all you've been through! I cannot wait to see Bella's homecoming pictures!!! Blessings, Keely & Savannah