Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Wrestling, not resting

I got "schooled"-- by my Heavenly Father. I layed in bed last night and pouted and complained about the unfairness of this and when I was done, I realized that I should be ashamed of myself. Things are not going like I had planned, but they are going like HE planned. He did a miracle for us while I was in Guatemala and when He did it, He knew the day she would be coming home. Us being released on that Monday was all part of His plan for our adoption from the beginning of time. It did not happen by chance because I was there. He did not do it on a whim, but by divine design. Just as He orchestrated that, He has a divine time for her to come home. That day has been established from the beginning of time and there is nothing I can do to change it and make it happen on my timetable. If she is not home by her first birthday, then she was not ever meant to be home by then (thanks, Kristin!). And if that if His way of doing this, then it is the perfect way. Wow-- that was a hard pill to swallow.

I believe that this adoption of Bella was God's perfect plan for me and my family. He began to plant the seed of desire for adoption in me at a very young age. It was something the I have always said I would do when "I grew up". We actually tried to start this 3 years ago and God shut the door. Thankfully, I was not so hard headed that I did not realize the timing was wrong-- we would have missed out on Bella! I guess what I am trying to say is that I have come to realize that this was not my idea. It was His; therefore, it is by His doing that she will come home. Not mine. Just like He knew when to begin to line all things up for this to start, He knows how to line all things up for this to end. My job is not to aid in that, but to REST in that. I have NOT been resting. Well, I take that back. I did rest for the past 2 weeks, while I thought things were going the way I wanted them to unfold. That is not true resting. I was finally sleeping and enjoying life around me. The minute I found out it may not happen on my timeline, I reverted back to my "miserable" mode. That, to me, is wrestling.

So, today, things are still very uncertain and I am okay with that. It may still work out. Who am I to limit God because of how things look in my many timeline scenarios? But, He may have a different plan. We may miss her first birthday and we may have to renew fingerprints and we may be subjected to the wait of the new DNA test. But guess what? That is no surprise to HIM. He knew it all along. I am just the one that took so long.

You see, I have been on a journey for the past 7 years to learn to truly trust Him. I have been a Christian since I was 12 years old, but I have always wanted to control my circumstances. I am a planner and planners must feel in control of the events in their lives. As a Christian, I cannot operate that way. I know He is using this in my live to teach me this. We feel called to the mission field to work with orphans in some capacity. I cannot do this, if I am always trying to have control. He loves me so much and wants me to fulfill His plan for my life. It's like with my son. I want him to happy, but more than that, I want him to learn to be the man of God he is supposed to be. Because of that being my greatest desire, I have had to watch him be hurt by our discipline, even when he doesn't understand it. Well, that is what God is doing. Trying to teach me what trusting Him truly is. Each setback we get, brings me one step closer. I am not naive enough to think that I will learn it toatlly by the time she gets home, but I do belive that I have made GREAT strides in this area this past year of our adoption.

For now, I will continue to pray for our miracle and rest in the assurance that He is STILL at work to bring her to our family. He never stopped. I just stopped looking at Him and began looking at the flood waters that were rising around me. Didn't He promise to be there when the flood waters tried to overtake us? :)


Gail said...

Sort of feel like Jacob, huh? I am glad you are now at peace with the situation now.
Praise God!!

Kristin said...

Thanks so much, "Paul..."

It's a crazy walk sometimes, isn't it?

Love you so much, me later....

Love and hugs,

Bekah said...

it's such a battle. not my will but yours be done. our plan seems so much 'better' but we have such limited understanding of all that God is working out through our trials. praying with you to rest in him. thanks for this post.

Melissa said...

Thank you for this honest, heartfelt post. It is something I, and probably all, adoptive parents need to hear.

Whitney said...

Great post! How would we ever do this without the Lord?!!! It would be way harder to have to trust in men to bring our darlings home!!

JuJu - said...

You have no idea how I can relate to this post.
I am so excited that I an going to get to meet you in person:)


Crystal said...

ooooh Amanda--you just gave me chills and tears!!!

You have no idea how much I relate to this too!!!!!!!! Thank you for sharing your heart!!!

At the point we are at, we accepted our baby at an older age and it is now looking more and more like he definately will be come home older. I keep thanking God for the children I do have-- but I feel like in a way I am grieving his infancy in a way. I knew all of this going into it but it is still hard sometimes. I can tell you from being in your shoes after all of the waiting, I can't look at Sophie without Thanking Jesus --I am serious!!!! I still Thank him mutiple times a day for her and what she has brought to our family!

I am with you girlie praying her home every step of the way!!! thank you for this post!!

Jennifer said...

Amanda -

What an absolte blessing you have been to me - not only today... but ESPECIALLY today. What an awesome post.

God is so good to us - and being a little bit of a control freak, too... I can so relate to your situation. Our pastor recently spoke on being honest - not only with ourselves and with others...but WITH GOD. He already knows your heart... He already knows how you feel - so pour it out to Him and let Him take it all away. I have trouble with that - let Him take it all away. I tend to wait until I see He has it mostly under control and then I want to TAKE IT BACK... and hold the reins again.

This is my struggle every day. Adoption is another one of those things He has set in MY path to force me to really LET GO... to BE STILL AND KNOW...

God Bless YOU for reminding all of us that it's a journey of our entire Christian Walk... I truly think you are honoring Him by sharing your heart with others so openly and candidly!

Jami said...

Wow! Thanks for your post, Amanda. It's good for me to hear!! Our babies are almost home...almost!!!!

I love you!

Candy said...

Hey girl...i am proud of you for keeping your Faith...because believe me this process can take it out of you....especailly when you are a control freak like me. The whole UN Fairness of this process can REALLY test us...Hugs

Ashley said...

It is an every day conscious decision to act and react the way you are. It is not in our human nature to not want control you are doing a great job and you will be rewarded!

BTW... if you are submitted for PINK before the 6th... there is a chance you fall under the "old" way and you may not have to do the DNA. But do not quote me on that one.

Steve & Amy said...

It is so frustrating sometimes, but you do come to a point where you just turn everything over to the Lord. You realize that there is no need to stress about things anymore. God will answer your prayers when the time is just perfect. Bella will be placed in your arms forever. Remember that God doesn't give us anything we can't handle. (Sometimes I think he trusts us too much:) Hugs and prayers for your strength!

Andrea said...

Hey there-my agency doesn't tell me much. My caseworker seems to think we'll be hearing about PINK soon, so perhaps we were submitted this week. I have to poke them every once in awhile to get info. I usually email something silly like, "going out of town for a few days, so if anything comes up...." and then I get info ;) It's sneaky, but it works.

I now pray that we get PINK the same time, so we can meet!!

And wonderful post!!