Tuesday, July 31, 2007

One more thing...

What?... A SECOND DNA test... you've got to be kidding me. Can I not catch a break here?!

Trying to be optimistic and faithful, but am having a difficult time.


Kim said...

Are you going to be subject to the new DNA test? I sure hope not!!

Kim Capello said...

What's the new DNA test?

Bekah said...

You've got to be kidding me. I can't even believe this. I heard it the other day and was hoping it wasn't true. Could this process get any more ridiculous? There is a way to protect these children without making this process two years long. I'm so fed up with governments I could just scream.

Kerry said...

You're kidding me. I thought that would be from here on out, not cases in progress.

Unknown said...

Ridiculous! You should be grandfathered in, and yes you deserve a huge break!

Call me soon,


Emily said...

I don't blame you for being upset. You have had so many delays already and now this. I was so upset when I read about this and our process has been quick so far compared to yours. Hopefully it will not slow down the process too much.

Andrea said...

Yea, that's nice, huh? I about lost my lunch when I read that. As if we haven't waited long enough-some of us MUCH longer than others, and now this?? Ugh.

Hang in there, Amanda! The last bit of the journey is always the hardest!! You're SO close! God is right behind you, pushing you up to that finish line. He is always right here!!

Whitney said...

Ahhh!!!! Hang in there dear sister!! Praying for peace for your family and an cooperative birth mom!

Karen D. said...

I totally agree. My agency didn't have info on the new DNA test as of 24 hours ago and seemed to think that if it was true, my case would be fine, since we were already in the Embassy, but does anybody truly know what is going on? I feel bad for myself and everyone else stuck in this horrid process! I am like Bekah- ready to scream!!!!

LouLou said...

This new test just plain stinks! It's like the US comes up with an idea overnight and implements it the next day with no thought to people already in the process. RIDICULOUS!
Praying for you!