Thursday, November 8, 2007

A little glimpse...

Throughout our whole adoption process, I will admit, my faith waivered... I had my doubts and my rages... sometimes at God. I am not proud of it, but I will be honest. Two days before the civil registry released our birth certificate, I told God that I wanted to finish this off with my head held high, being able to praise Him... not hang it low, despite my unbelief, when He did it. I asked Him not to let that BC be released until I had whole heartedly found peace and dropped the unforgiveness I was holding. You may ask who I could have had unforgiveness towards. Well, for one, my attorney. I felt that she used our case to further her ADA work and we got tangled up in a political fight between her and the powers that be in Guatemala. I blamed her.

Then, I began to read a book called The Bait of Satan-- The Sin of Offense. I started reading this book on that Tuesday that I prayed the above prayer to the Lord. In it John Bevere, the author, sets the stage by telling you that if you are a child of God, NO man or NO thing can thwart the plans He has for your life. Yes, people have a free will, but He can stop anything He does not want happening in your life. He told how Joseph was sold into slavery and thrown into prison unjustly. Now, we went through a lot, but NOTHING compared to this. And, yet, he was able to realize that it was all part of God's divine plan for his life. It was at that moment that I realized that our adoption did not go the way we had anticipated it... it went the way He charted it.

He called us to adopt... of that I am MOST certain. He KNEW the day she would join our family and the age she would be when it happened. He NEVER promised me that she would come home as an infant. He just asked us to be obedient and our job was to do that and trust Him to fulfill the dream He had birthed in our hearts. MY plans were to bring home a little baby and move on with my life. HE HAD OTHER PLANS!!!! Yes, Susana, used our case to further a cause in Guatemalan adoptions and as far as I can see, it did NOT pave the way for anything positive. However, Bella came home at the perfect age and at the perfect time-- HIS TIME.

Today marks 2 weeks exactly since she joined our family FOREVER. I was listening to John Bevere's series A Heart Ablaze on my way to bring Jake to school this morning. He was talking about Moses bringing the children of Israel out of Egypt. He asked the congregation this question:"Why did God lead the children of Israel out of Egypt?" The people responded, "to bring them into the Promise Land." NOT TRUE! He led them out of Egypt to bring them out of bondage into freedom. In this past year, He brought me out of the bondage of dependence on myself and into the freedom of trusting Him with EVERY area of my life! The glory of the Lord was revealed to them IN the desert, as they wandered around. The desert is not a place of being forsaken by God or left alone until He decides you have spent enough time there. It is a place where you are not living in the abundance of life. You are only given the day's manna.. the provisions you NEED for THAT day. WOW!!!! That spoke to me. He went on to say that "it is in the desert that God quiets you heart and changes you for HIS glory". You see, if you had the abundance of everything working out in your life the way YOU planned, then you would not need to depend on Him.

That is where the glimpse I spoke of in my post title comes in to play... I know now that He allowed our desert time to happen so that He could quiet me and teach me TOTAL dependence on Him, despite the situations others placed us in. I can tell you that I changed in the last 16 months. Was it an easy change? NO, but as I wrestled with MY will and against HIS and as I kicked and screamed, He broke me and taught me that my life is in HIS hands... a place where I willingly placed it when I was 13 years old. And about that birth certificate... it was released 2 days later! :)

Things are going great with Bella and her attachment to us. She said "Momma" the other night when she woke up... needless to say when I heard that over the monitor, I nearly broke my neck getting to her! :) I can say that times are tough with me not working and getting paid and look bleak to our human eyes, but I have learned to look at my life through the eyes of faith. If I keep my eyes on Him, everything will be provided and I will fulfill my purpose.

I pray that if you are still waiting for your precious little one, that you surrender your will for His and that He wraps you in His arms every step of the way until He delivers your "promise" to you and your family. I am praying for all of my blogging friends still waiting... your time IS coming!!


Kim Capello said...

I needed to read this! Thank you Amanda.

Katie said...

Amen and thanks for sharing. Having gone through a complicated adoption myself I can relate 100% !!

Bekah said...

okay so I know that you wrote this specifically for me this morning. :) drew and i just felt like grumbling last night about why we have been left in the desert and why we cannot seem to receive any favor from anyone along the way. i am not at a place of total surrender and trusting the Lord to complete this thing. thanks, friend.

Dawn said...

Thank-you for posting that. Perfectly said and what an awesome reminder.

JuJu - said...

John Bevere ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He and my Pastor are really close buds and he comes to our church often. He is one of our favorite teachers!

I think for some of us - adoption is like a refining. We are cleaned out in the fire of adoption just like a precious metal is perfected in the fire. God just reaches in and turns us inside out as we walk this walk of faith to bring our babies home, into the world - whatever way we recieve them.

I find even now - since our adoptions - I am still STRUGGLING> but now in different ways. You see God's hand move and you see and go through so much during your adoption, that I think it is a challenge at times to take the NEW you and integrate youself back into life without adoption...or the fight to bring your child home.
Ya know???
I believe with all my heart - that many are called and few are chosen. I also believe that we were chosen - chosen to be the Mommas of these precious children -

That -
that is what keeps me going - fighting the good fight and running the race to the end.

thanks for this post - I loved it and it inspired me this morning:)

Love to you and your!


Jill said...

Always an inspiration. Thanks for this.

Pattie M said...

Thanks for that post. I have a close friend who just completed her long adoption process and I saw first hand the frustration and times when she thought she couldn't go on. But now that it’s over she says it must be like labor pains because once she had her baby home the painful process was all forgotten. I pray someday I will have the finances to experience that myself but for right now I find joy in following the stories of all the beautiful babies coming from Guatemala and all over the world and your little girl is just so precious and beautiful.

redhawks said...

Thank you Amanda...what a beautiful post!
Jen :)

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful post. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and feelings.

in Richmond

The Wilkens Family said...

Thank you for these words and this important reminder! God bless your family!


Jami said...

AMEN!! Thanks for the words of encouragment. Praise be to God!

Love you!

Rose said...

Awesome post!! I have felt every emotion through this process and have been mad at my attorney etc. but I am finally becoming who I am supposed to become through this amazing journey!!

Rose said...

Btw:: my husband does not want to venture out of the hotel. He's not very adventurous...and doesn't think we should with the kids...oh well....we might get a little stir CRAZY and I might be emailing you for some restaurant suggestions thanks!!! Roseann

Ginger--Maya's mommy said...

Very well said!!! I can so relate to every thing that you said. It is so hard to let go and let God when we want our babies home.

Powell Adoption said...

Amen sister! Wow I know that God does teach us through our journeys and struggles. After the kids came home God has continued to streach us, we left our jobs and moved to another state. We are still waiting to see God's plan in all this but having gone through the adoption and seeing God's faithfulness has paved the road for truly trusting him with our future. Thank you for sharing this and reminding us about the big picture.

Doripink said...

Awesome...Perfect...that's all I can say about that amaze me.

Kimmie said...

Hi Amanda;

This is my first time here and how wonderful was this post to my 'waiting' heart. Sometimes it feels like God has forgotten me/us-
I thank you for taking the time to expose your heart and share your understanding. It blessed me.

mama to 6
one homemade and 5 adopted
awaiting an adoption from Guatemala..which is in the Lord's hands.

Becca said...

Well put. Many times I have caught myself fighting Him so hard to place my will above His. And when I finally come to that place where I let go - it is peaceful and, well, restful. Congratulations on bringing your daughter home.

Anonymous said...

Wow!! Beautiful! Powerful! True!
My dear friend, through my process for Maya, told me once (and I will never forget it!), that she was much more concerned with what God did with me in the process than what the end result was. At first I thought, "Well, gosh...that's strange...don't you want my daughter home?" But there is more to bringing these babies home, although that is part of God's bigger plan for them and for us. But he wants to break us. He wants our total dependence. He wants our hearts and our souls. He wants all of us.
Beautifully said. Thank you!stephanie

The gFamily said...

Thank you for sharing God's faithfulness! I loved reading your story and it inspires me to completely put my trust in the Lord throughout our journey!

I am so happy to see Bella so happy and in your arms! It truly warms my heart! God is so good!

Aileen said...

Thank you for this post. We are currently waiting and I needed to hear this!
waiting for Ariana