Thursday, March 1, 2007


Well, if you thought God was moving on our behalf yesterday, then today's happenings are going to blow your mind!!! Last night, before I went to sleep, I was holding Bella on my chset while she slept. I asked God for one more sign to let me know that when I brought her back to the hogar (orphanage), it would not be the last time I saw her. Remember when I asked everyone to pray for God's favor in getting us Pre Approval from our embassy? Well, I wanted to open my e-mail in the morning and see PA, after 49 days of waiting and wondering. God is sooo good. I opened my e-mail this morning and saw that at 9:39, we were issued PA!!!!!!!!!!!!! I now know that God was waiting to have our PA issue so that He could bring me comfort on a day when I needed it the most--the day when the President of Guatemala was set to sign an executive order that would suspend all adoptions in process. Well, not only did He bring me comfort today, but the executive order was announced, not yet implemented. It must be brought before their congress before it can be. That takes funds that they are in the process of trying to obtain. It will take weeks for that to occur. I believe that this is just a way for God to show Himself mighty. We will wait and see.

We brought Bella back to the hogar at 4:30. It was very difficult for me. Jake cried before we left the hotel and then again when we handed her to her nanny. It was almost like she knew before we left the hotel. Her disposition today was cautious and not as happy. Whenever I handed her to the nanny, she looked at me with those BIG brown eyes as if to say, "I understand and will wait for you to come back." It broke my heart. But I must say, I know many of you must have been truly praying for us, because I felt God's peace in the midst of the pain. I prayed for God to minister to her little mind and to encamp His angels around her. I asked Him to be there and protect her from any confusing thoughts she may be thinking. If you think about it, please pray for her daily.
Well, we should be resubmitted to PGN tomorrow and then it is up to God to speed us on through to the finish line. If you want to know how to specifically pray for us, pray that we have favor with our reviewer and that they sign our file quickly. I will keep you posted.

But for now, enjoy some of our pics from the last day of our visit trip with Bella.


Kelli said...

"Trust in Lord your God with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your way acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6 Gods timing is ALWAYS perfect!!!! We will continue to pray for yall and Bella.

Steph said...

Oh Amanda, my heart broke when I saw your face in that picture - that must have been right before you gave her back. You will NEVER have to leave that baby again. Next time is forever - and your journey is chock full of love notes from God. Jake's birthday, PA on the protocolo day- MANY more. But like you've reminded me on more times than I care to recall, God's perfect plans cannot be thwarted by men. What an amazing testimony you will have to share when Bella is home where she belongs.

Jodi said...

Amanda, I got very joked up when I saw the three of yall in that picture. I can't imagine how painful it was to hand her back over. God is very awesome, I know she is in the protective hands of God. I can't wait to see her. She is beautiful. I can't believe how much she looks like yall. I will continue to pray for God's Favor.
We love yall.

Robby, Jodi, Cody & cade

Bekah said...

Your daughter is absolutely beautiful by the way!!! I cried when I saw your face in that last picture...we are headed to see our daughter on the 20th of April and I know that it is going to be unbearable to leave her.