Sunday, June 17, 2007


Please pray that the FC judge release our file THIS week!!!!!! I am EXPECTING God to answer our prayers. He has already begun to work out the details. Everything is beginning to line up. On Monday, I received a call from a good friend of mine that I have not spoken to since our visit trip in Feb. She wanted to know if Bella was home yet. I told her what was going on and she asked me what I was going to do for childcare. I did not go into detail, but just said that we were still working out the details of that. She told me she had been keeping her grandson and he would be starting preschool in Aug. She then said "Why don't you let me keep Bella?" I asked her if she was serious and she told me that she had been praying and wondering what she was going to do now that he would not be with her all day. The best part is that she is going to do it free of charge!!! I told her I wanted to pay her and she would not hear of it. BIG ANSWER TO PRAYER!!!!!

Then, I called my principal Thursday to tell him what was going on and that our plans to get Bella in June were not going to happen. I explained the various scenarios we were looking at and asked him about my options. If we get released this week, we would be looking at a mid to end of July pick up. I figured I would lay everything I wanted on the table and leave some room for negotiating. I told him I wanted to only go in the month of August to do my instruction, which at the kindergarten level is only 3 hours or so, and then let my aide take care of lunch, recess, nap time and centers. Then, I would come back full time after Labor Day. I explained how important it was for me to be the one taking care of Bella, instead of her being passed from caregiver to caregiver. Since she has been in the hogar from one day old and had numerous care givers, she needs to bond with me in the beginning. He understood and agreed. He said he had no problems with that plan. This would be perfect because I would get a few weeks with her at home (all day) and then my husband gets 4 weeks paternity leave and would be able to be home with her in the mornings while I am teaching. The best part is that, if this could happen, I would get my full salary and not have to worry about taking off without pay.

I TRULY believe the Lord is lining everything up because good news is coming this week! Please storm the gates of Heaven with us and believe God for good news.

"Father, I thank you for beginning to work out the details of Bella's homecoming. I ask for favor with the judge. I ask that our file would stand out to him on his desk and , although, he may not understand why, that he would have an urgency to release it. I thank you, in advance, for moving on his heart and getting our Bella out of there and home where she belongs. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen."


Candy said...

AWESOME GIRL...It is all coming together....I can't wait for you to get good news...I will be jumping up and down...I think you will get the call very soon...HUGS Candy and Kya Blu

Kim Capello said...

This is wonderful! We are praying hard that God is working on the heart of that Judge and will release Bella this week!

Emily said...

I will be praying for good news this week. I am so happy that everything is lining up for your family. It has to be such a relief to have all of the little pieces coming together.

Jodie said...

that is great!! everything is coming together! how about some retail therapy this week? check out your email & let me know!

Melissa said...

Wow! God is working in this situation. I am praying you will get THE call soon!

Jami said...

Awesome news! I'm so happy to hear things are coming together! We'll keep praying...exciting things are going to happen!!

I love you!!

JuJu - said...

We are agreeing with you that THIS is the week for victory in your case!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love To Y'all


FaceforGrace said...

I just knew that you'd have favor with your principal at school! I just knew it! Keep asking, and it will be given unto you!

waiting to hear a good report!

Kristin said...


Hey, girlfriend! I LOVE how the Lord is getting your "ducks in a row!" It's all coming together, isn't it? I had a quick moment to blog, but we're headed back out again shortly...I'll try to call you tonight. It's been a good day full of serving...I sure needed it this week.

Love you lots--Kristin

Andrea said...

That is great-everything is falling into place! I will keep praying for you!!

Jill said...

This all sounds like it is meant to be! I am happy for you! One step closer. Feel free to visit me at our blog. Prayers to all who are in process!

Jill (dh Jeff, dd Allison 12 - waiting on Mario 3 months)

Tricia said...

I'm continuing to join with you in prayer!!

"God always gives His best to those that leave the choice to Him."

Love & prayers!

Mama Bunny said...

Oh I PRAY this is true!!!! My heart is RIGHT THERE NEXT TO YOU breaking for baby Bella, and the fact she is not home!!!

You better start reading your attachment books while you still have time! :)

Love ya!!!! I'll call you sometime today!

Krystal said...

I am praying that you get the judges approval this week!