Saturday, April 28, 2007

Bittersweet News

I just got word that Bella has 2 bottom teeth. She is a happy baby and laughs very easily. She is pushing up with her arms and scooting. She is on the verge of crawling. I really thought I would have her home to experience these things with her. I am having a hard time these days. I don't know how long it will be until we find out something. At least when we were in PGN, we knew what to expect-- at least with the procedure. I hope to know something by the end of May. What I do know is that each day that passes, takes one day away that I get with her this summer before I return to school. That, my friends, is the part that is so difficult.


Karen D. said...

I am praying for you each day! Is there any way that you could take more time off of work? This comes under the Family Medical Leave Act. Your school can not deny you that time. Think about it...

Love and prayers,

Andrea said...

Hang in there, girl! I cried when I received JP's last set of pictures and I saw that he had two bottom teeth! It is very difficult.