Monday, April 30, 2007

Sorry! But I have some good news (no , we are not out--yet)

Once again, I am letting everyone down (at least, those that want to see Bella's room). I am sorry to report that I don't have the last few things hung on the wall or the pictures taken. My son started running a high fever last night. I took him to the doctor this afternoon and she said it was probably just a fever virus that had to run its course. Well... 3 hours later, he began to throw up. Yes, he has a stomach virus- the 3rd one this school year. Needless to say, I will try to post her room once he recovers. SORRY! Please pray for him to get past this AND that Jeff and I don't get it. I have 12 days of school left and can't afford to miss anymore. I have kindergarten graduation to do.

I did find out that we should be hearing something from our attorney within the next week!! Tomorrow (Tuesday) marks one week and she said we should know something in 2 . We are waiting for the judge to do one of two things. Either he/she rules with our attorney and view our previous KO from PGN as frivolous and sign our adoption decree, or he/she rules in favor of fixing the previo. If that happens, then my attorney fixes it and resubmits it to the FC judge- not PGN and then the judge signs the adoption decree. This could delay us a little bit. We are praying that he/she will rule in favor of not needing it fixed. If so, then we could be traveling the first part of June! Please be praying that we have favor and that it happens SOON!! We truly could get THE call any day now!!!

It amazes me that this is all going to be over really soon! I could be with my baby girl within a month (give or take a week)!! My blogging buddy, Lou, keeps repeating the feelings of disbelief. I can really relate. You wait and wait. You visit and have to return them and then one day, you actually get to get them and NEVER give them back. I am so ready for it to be that day! I feel it is going to happen and it is going to be soon. Thanks for your continued prayers and encouragement!!! We love ya all.


Emily said...

This is really great news!!! You must be so excited. It was so neat to read your last post about praising God and then shortly after a post about how good God has been to your family because you put your trust in Him and listened when He spoke to you. I can't wait to hear what happens and I am still praying for you and your family.

Karen D. said...

That is soooo exciting! The whole process amazes me! Soon our babies will be in our arms forever!

I am praying your little girl home!


Unknown said...

I really hope that you get THE CALL and the judge stands up against the sometimes ridiculous antics of the PGN people! That would be wonderful!


Kim Capello said...

This is WONDERFUL news! I can't wait until you get the news you guys so deserve! There is a beautiful and lucky little girl that needs to get home soon!

FaceforGrace said...

Wow...I'm sure that you will keep us posted! We are still agreeing with you! Hang in there!


Jami said...

Yea Yea Yea!!!!!! We're on the home stretch now!! I love you! Thanks for all your encouragement to me!!

Ashley said...

That is MARVELOUS... keep us posted!