Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Well, I found out that our case "was rejected by the PGN" (exact words of our coordinator) because of the birthmom's cedula. We will not be resubmitted to PGN. Our attorney has decided to do something different this time. She is going to take it before a Family Court judge to get him to rule on it. She feels it is not necessary to fix. He then decides if it needs to be fixed or not. I do not know when this will happen or what the possible outcomes are. Please pray.


Jami said...

Oh wow...I am praying!!

Bekah said...

Praying!!!!!!!!! Does that mean if they rule you don't have to fix it that you are out of PGN or do you have to go back in again after that for more review? Praying this is a most successful and blessed 'experiment' by your lawyer. Love and hugs, girl!!! Standing with you and praying for a miracle!

JuJu - said...

You are in my thoughts and prayers!This may be just a littloe bump in the road - hang in there -
Know your adoption case and your baby girl are in my prayers tonight!


JuJu - said...

Can I link you blog to mine?? - I love how you openly discuss your faith and the word:):):)


LouLou said...

I don't know what to say except that I am praying for you and sending hugs. So much of what they do down there doesn't make any sense. It does sound like your attorney is fighting for Bella, and that is a powerful thing! Keep your eyes pointed at Christ and He will take care of this for you!

Much love and hugs!
I am going to email you my cell # in case you want to call :)

Ginger--Maya's mommy said...

Praying that things will work out!! Hang in there.